Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Why Havent You Landed Your Dream Job Yet IM HIRED

Why Haven’t You Landed Your Dream Job Yet Why haven’t you landed your dream job yet? Very few of us are lucky enough to get the job of our dreams. Our lives are too short to be forever stuck in a job thats not offering us any real job satisfaction. But sadly, this is the situation many of us find ourselves in. No wonder that when Monday morning rolls around, we wrap the duvet around us with reluctance to climb out of bed and back into work. So, what about you? Are you in your dream job? If so, then fantastic. But if you’re not there yet then it may be time to ask yourself why. It may be because you don’t know what your dream job looks like How can you apply for something that you don’t know exists? And what constitutes a dream job anyway? If you aren’t sure, youre going to have trouble progressing into a new role. If this is you, think back to when you were younger. Did you have any aspirations? Aside from the virtually impossible jobs you may have dreamed up superhero, spaceman, dinosaur hunter you may have had an idea of what you wanted to be when you grew up. Then consider what a dream job is to you. Is it something that offers you more money? Do you want more of a work-life balance? Or do you have a passion for something (perhaps a hobby) that could be turned into a job? Consider all of these and then think about your next job search. You may not have the time to pursue your dream job If you already have a full-time career, while juggling other things in your life, such as running a house and a family, you may feel as if you are too busy to think about changing your career at this point. No matter how busy you are, if you still hold a desire to have that job you always wanted, surely you should try and make time. While you may not be able to give up the day job just yet, you can still fit an online course around your schedule. Consider this online RN-BSN as an example. And your kids are going to grow up one day, so you could set aside some time to research your dream job, taking steps to move into that role when you have more time afforded to you. You may feel as if it’s too late to change career now Perhaps you have reached an age when your dream job now seems like an impossibility, or your lifestyle doesn’t seem to accommodate a move into something new. Well, rather than resign yourself with this negative mind-set, know that it is never too late to change your career. Why are you just making do with your lot in life, when it is still possible to get that dream job? If you’re not happy where you are. If you are living with regrets, then do something to improve your chances of landing that job you always wanted. Many people change career late in their lives, so why not do the same? After all, if you want something you have never had before, you have got to do something you have never done before! If you have a dream job in mind perhaps now is the time to consider a change. If it’s going to improve your life then follow your dream. You may regret it if you don’t.

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