Friday, December 13, 2019

How to (actually) find your purpose

How to (actually) find your purposeHow to (actually) find your purposeYou know what I dont like? Advice that doesnt come with instruction.For instance, leadership gurus often say, You must do the work youre passionate about.Well, duh. We all want to spend time doing what we love. But HOW do we find that work?I think my journey is much the same as any entrepreneur who, after a process of intense introspection, found the a ha moment on what theyre supposed to do in a career.I began a personal blog because I like to write and share advice with my peers. Thats all I knew. It was a blob of clay with no discernible shape. Looking back, I can see my mission was too broad and I was all things to all people. I covered finance, health, politics, career advice - no clear focus or niche.Only through blogging nonstop and watching my besucherzahlen did I understand what my audience values fruchtwein - and simultaneously what I love to discuss the most. The answer step-by-step writing instruction for the business world. Thats my niche and unique value proposition.And now that I focus on my niche, doors continue to open. My book of writing guides, Wait, How Do I Write This Email?, is making its way into high schools, colleges, corporate boardrooms, retail outlets, prison systems and even the Pentagon. Pretty awesome, right?All that stuff I wrote at the start on health, finance and politics? Ill leave those topics to someone else. Yes, I had to start with the blob of clay (we all do), but the clay only took shape because I honed my skills and listened to the market every single week for two years. Seriously, look how much I learned.To find your passion, devote time every week to doing what enjoy. Its that simple.If you hang around long enough, you will become an expert on your thing and discover how to make the biggest impact possible on the world.Pretty cool process, right? The coolest. Its the coolest. And its also freaking beautiful - to attain that level of professional enlightenment. And it doesnt matter if youre black, white, rich, poor or any other way we classify ourselves. We can all do this. Work ethic is colorblind.Most people dont make it to the a ha moment. They never reach their full potential.Will you?Heres my instruction, nice and simple. Print it out.1. What do you like to do? Make time (dont try to find time) to pursue it. Like, every week for at least two years. Im serious - go all in or dont bother.2. As you move along, share your progress and thoughts online. By writing it down, you will grow as a person and begin to define your area of expertise.3. Monitor your web traffic and look at the topic(s) people read most. Over two years, the audience will tell you where you provide the most value (and solve the biggest problem). But only if you write a lot (every week, I mean it).4. Focus on the niche and leave the other topics alone. Be great at one thing and one thing only. The narrower, the better.5. Then, you have aligned your passi on with solving a problem. And thats the holy grail of careers. Youll wake up every day to do what you love and improve the lives of others.What could be better?This article first appeared on

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